Become Gold

In the history of planet Earth the crystal kingdom has evolved into illumination, the purest form of crystal is gold. I believe, we human beings, are in the same journey of evolution.

Aurora was her name. She was a young spirited woman, who lived in a magnificent city, she learned that her value was measured by her acquisitions and accomplishments. This way of living, stuck in infinite doing, has ruled her society for years and years, although she knew it hasn’t always been that way. She often dreamt of a distant land where she sang to the ocean, bringing forth water that revitalized her people, reigniting the spark in their eyes.

Aurora did not share her dream with others, as she felt they would not understand her. The one person that knew, was her grandmother, Alma. Her grandmother would share stories about a time, when the spark on people eyes was something that it was never lost. She told Aurora about a time when people where connected to Nature and could speak with the spirits of the natural world, she told Aurora that each element in nature had its place to be and its purpose. As we all had our own unique place in the circle of life.

That night Aurora had another dream, in this dream a woman came to her in her dreams, light emanated from her chest, her voice was soft and clear like a beautiful melody, like the ocean, and her eyes where like a star lighted night. She told her to come find her.

Aurora woke up and went running to tell her grandmother about her dream, ready to find this place. Grandmother Alma, blessed her and bless her journey ahead.

Aurora with her heart full of dreams and her mind inspired with possibilities, set off into the unknown, determined to discover the mysteries that lay beyond the horizon. As she traveled out of endless cities, she found herself walking and finding the most amazing people and places.

Along her journey, Aurora met many people in search of new cities who were in pursuit of gold— for the promised of wealth and success. Some had dedicated their entire lives to chasing after riches, yet they remained unsatisfied, always craving more.

As she continued on her journey, Aurora encountered many people along the way, as she met women and men in search of riches, they would share their life story, how they walked for miles, how they became successful and lost it all, or had it hidden in a cave. No matter how many people she spoke with, how much gold they had, how successful they were, she also heard them speaking about loss, about love, about fear, they spoke of family and of dreams, of longing, and hopes.

The more she traveled through the different landscapes, and met different people she found that these people who were in search of gold, and acquired it, would still feel scared and lonely. Aurora listened to the stories of those she met, realizing that despite their accomplishments and acquisitions, many still harbored feelings of emptiness and longing.

She began to realize about the richness of one's experiences and the depth of one's connections with others.

With each passing day, Aurora felt herself changing, the emptiness in people’s eyes did not scare her anymore because she could see within them a spark. She began to hear how underneath people words, she could hear the pulsing of their heart, and if she let herself feel she would hear a beautiful melody were she could see a vision of the persons childhood dreams.

One night the woman with light in her heart and light started night in her eyes, appeared again in her dreams. She told her that when the time comes, she will have to listen to her own heart, and follow its music. That it will lead her to the river. That when she arrives to the river, she will have to drink.

That morning Aurora knew she was approaching the end of her journey. She said goodbye and continued walking, on each step the faces of all the people she met, began to show up, each step her heart pulse, and on each pulse a face of a person she met along her journey appeared, and as their face appeared tears were coming out of Aurora’s eyes, pouring out. Until a light so bright strikes her eyes and her heart, and she falls down on the floor, and cries and cries. Somehow she can’t stop crying, all of the sudden her as she is down on her knees her hand on the ground feel water running. She opens her eyes and there she is by the river. The river is loud and the water is fresh. Crystalline water, she drinks and as the water enters her body a lightening of liquid light begins to move within her, she begins to remember the laughter of when she was a child, she begins to hear the laughter of her grandmother Alma when she was a child, she begins to remember the laughter of her parents, and slowly of all the people she has met along the way, until she begins to feel and hear the laughter of mother earth, along with this beautiful heartbeat and symphony. She cries and laughs at the same time. She felt a profound connection to the earth and all living beings, experiencing a sense of belonging she had never known before.

She lays on the earth, as the sun rays shine upon her face, the sound of the river embraces her, and the song of the Earth continues resonating within her entire being. She re-members. She looks up into the blue sky and sees the light coming in through the foliage, she sees light sparkles all around, she looks at the water running and sees sparks of light… she stretches her hand into the sky and sees sparks of light too.
Suddenly she finds herself laughing and feel the earth is laughing with her. Welcoming her home.

With a heart full of gratitude and a soul ablaze with purpose, Aurora returned to her city. Along the way she poured the water of her wisdom to everyone she met along the way, and one at a time, in the sharing of her journey she continued to remember others of their own child dreams and spark. Her journey had come to an end, her transformation had only just begun. For Aurora had discovered that the greatest treasure of all was not found in the pursuit of gold, but in the journey of becoming it.

As we are all Sparks of Light.

Each one with our own unique purpose and reason to be, just as her grandmother Alma as told her.

She understood the treasure existed in the journey of self-discovery and connection. Aurora discovered our innate value was within us all along. In the re-membering of who we truly are, and what we are.

In the end, Aurora realized that each person carries within them a spark of light, a reminder of their inherent value and purpose. Through her journey, she helped others rediscover their own inner light, leaving behind a legacy of hope and transformation

Throughout her Life, Aurora shared her journey and story, and slowly one by one, man and women remembered their spark.
Her final words echoed the truth she had come to embody:
“Some search for Gold their entire Life without ever finding it. Others discover they are Gold, and become Gold Itself”.

“Don't think about what you've left behind" The alchemist said to the boy as they began to ride across the sands of the desert. "If what one finds is made of pure matter, it will never spoil. And one can always come back. If what you had found was only a moment of light, like the explosion of a star, you would find nothing on your return.”

~ The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho ~


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