Your Well-Being begins with your SOUL 💖♾️
I invite you to connect, to dive deep into healing, discover your treasure, and empower your gift ✨️
My name is Sofia Martinez, and I was born on June 10th, 1982, in the vibrant city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. On that very day, the world was graced with a speech of peace by John Paul II. From as far back as I can remember, I have been a dreamer and a creative soul, always able to see beyond the ordinary and connect with something greater than myself.
At a young age, I experienced the profound loss of my best friend in a tragic car accident. Before it happened, I had a dream in which angels came to my room, guiding me to say goodbye and help her transition to the light. This deeply moving experience revealed a unique gift and purpose.
Throughout my life, I have been privileged to support many souls on their journey to the light, assisting those who have become stuck for various reasons. It is my mission and calling to guide and uplift others, helping them find peace and harmony as they navigate their own paths. Despite these experiences, there was a time when I blocked and disconnected from my gift.
I did not know how to listen to the wisdom of my heart, my emotions and my body, or understand fully my spiritual gift. Through creativity and the arts, - writing poetry, dancing, photography, contemplation, and spending time in nature -, I have learned to explore the meaning of life .
”There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium; and be lost. The world will not have it. “ Martha Graham
Expression through creativity and art, has always being core in my life. It has always connected me to a state of of pure presence with something larger than myself, and has help me to understand myself and life more deeply.
I left Argentina at 19, moved to the USA, and then immigrated to British Columbia, Canada, in 2004. I worked in the culinary arts and hospitality industry for over 13 years.
During my Saturn return, I realized something was missing in my life. Despite managing a kitchen at an organic cafe in Kitsilano, Vancouver, having my art exhibited, and being part of a non-profit organization focused on sustainability, I felt unfulfilled. Working over 12 hours a day, numbing myself, smoking, and finding only fleeting moments of creativity was not enough. Even though I experienced moments of grace through service and being part of the change I wanted to see in the world as an active volunteer on the Executive Committee for Slow Food Vancouver, something was still missing.
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” Rumi
I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and healing, studying various holistic modalities, including reflexology, holistic nutrition, and life skills coaching and wellness counselling. I also became a Usui Reiki Master. My life began to transform, and after a holotropic breathing workshop I had a transcendental experience where I felt in a state of bliss, and I remember making a decision to understand and share this path of love to the world, the path to this state of being. And so a new journey began and continues … After a significant life change in which my eight-year relationship ended, and I lost my home and job, I made the decision to moved out of the city to live on an island closer to nature, something my heart had been calling me for a while.
Setting yourself free
will always be setting others free as well.
During my Reiki Teacher's Attunement, I had a profound experience where Jesus appeared to me and told me to walk with him, accompanied by a waterfall of love unlike any I had felt before.
For me this marked another sign in my path and a new beginning of a deeper connection with Spirit, Nature, and Energy.
After that experience, Jesus became part of my Guides and beloved Teachers, he continuously would share his wisdom during my meditations. I began to feel a divine call to travel, move to different places, and work with the ley lines of the Earth, bringing healing and harmonizing the energy of the Planet to anchor the new frequencies. During this time, I immersed myself in nature, meditation, silence, and fasting for long periods at a time.
I even had the gift of living among a herd of deer for six months. I lived in this beautiful home and there was a family of deer living in my back yard and so I decided to put a tent and sleep with them. As the days went by, they began accepting me, and I began taking part of their life. I realized the buck took me as part of his herd, when the postman came to apologize that he was not able to drop my mail because he was being chased by the buck every time. Through these experiences, I began to connect with Nature at a deeper level, I also began to have daily visits in my Akashic Records, and the Records of the Earth, I began connecting with other Beings and working in together bringing the frequency of Love into the Earth. To me this was a wild and profound time in my Life of deep and intensive learning through personal experience.
On a day of spring while I was living on an organic farm in a trailer by the ocean, on Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada with a nest of bold eagles above me, During my daily meditation, my Guardian Angel visited me and asked me what is like to be human.
As I went on with my explanation of what is like to witness a sunrise, or the smell of a magnolia, or swim in the ocean after a hot summer day, the taste of a fresh strawberry, or the sensation of a heartbreak.
I felt the emotions of love, of grace, of peace, of passion, of pleasure, of sadness, and of pain.
Realizing that what my Guardian Angel was doing, was giving me a teaching moment.
I looked at my Guardian Angel and he smiled. And I then understood that enlightenment is not out of the body, but in it.
You, Me, Us; as Source Energy, we are here experiencing ourselves into being.
Your Humanity, being human, is Divine.
Your body is your Temple. It is were you get to experience your unique and precious life.
Since then, my journey has been one of embodiment, bringing the divine into this field of existence.
During the pandemic, I began writing a book about The Way of the Heart, in which I explain how to connect to the Power of Love Within You. (Stay Tune! - Coming Soon!)
The practice of this life is to learn how to keep your heart open.
The pandemic for me, was a time were something magical happened. I discovered that I had tuned to the paradigm of understanding that when I choose the frequency of Love, and Lead in Love, everything returns to its natural order in me. I also made the conscious choice to take the leap and build my business of energy healing and coaching, through sharing the power of love, as I felt it is much needed in the World.
I began offering space for people to connect with nature and their bodies, I began teaching Light Language as a way for people to connect with their Soul, and their understanding that they are Light and their natural state is wellbeing.
I believe that knowing yourself, cultivating your inner stability, and embodiment, is the most revolutionary act you can do at this time. I believe there is a new way of being awakening in the world. It all starts within you, one step at a time, releasing all the ways you are not true to yourself, releasing distortions, and realizing that you create your own reality, together as a whole, as part of the dream of the world.
I believe we are here to grow, heal, and learn in togetherness, and it is essential to connect to our emotions, return home to our own embodiment, and live from our connectedness, realizing that our humanity is divine.

The wisdom of your heart is the quiet voice within you that guides you to your stable and whole nature.
My journey has been of communicating and sharing the Universal Language of One, that to me has been about sharing the wisdom of my spiritual experiences here on planet Earth in a grounded way. A way that can be integrated into your every day living, that empowers you, and inspires you to honor yourself in your truth, that motivates you to be here embodied as a human being, that invites you to honor your life and see the gift of being here, while at the same time connects you to something larger than yourself.
As a Gemini, I learn through experience, and it has led me to study various modalities. After many years of practicing meditation, 5 rythms, ritual and ceremony, nature based practices, and studying CBT, purpose coaching, transformation coaching, becoming a mentor with HeartMath+ Institute, I’ve found the art of Ontological Coaching with Protagonista de Cambio in Buenos Aires Argentina, and feels my heart to share this view of life.
As an eternal student; I am now studying primal dance or primordial movement with EPTI, led by Daniel Taroppio and you will see me continuously studying new modalities as a way of continue to deepen within myself, so I can support you better on your own personal journey.
I am excited to work with you and guide you on your journey of expansion, of self-discovery, and of creation.
Let me tell you that this journey, will require of you stepping into discomfort, expansion can be scary and vulnerable. It will ask of you to face your fears and feel that which pains you. And yet when you do, you connect with something larger than yourself, and a renewed sense of confidence and fulfillment arises within you.
My mission is to empower love within you, to help you access, discover, and embrace the power of love so profoundly that you decide to be your true self.
I am here to support you in being confident, free, and alive as you are intended to be.
"Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything. Maybe it's about unbecoming everything that isn't really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place. - Paulo Coelho"
You have a message to share with the world. I am here to support you in finding your voice, connecting with your power and truth, and feeling grounded in your own self and body.
It all starts within you!
Live from the heart, where flow becomes the rhythm of your Soul,
guiding every step with love's gentle wisdom.
- Sofia Martinez.
Are you ready to embrace the power of love within you and step into
your true, confident, and vibrant self?